Snakes On A Plane

- Directed by David R. Ellis
- Starring Samuel L. Jackson
- This movie pretty much delivers on all its promise. There are a lot of snakes... and they're on one be used an assassination weapon... Anybody still taking this movie seriously from this point on shouldn't even be watching this movie. The concept is out of this world, the movie internal logic doesn't make any sense (the story development towards the end comes out nowhere), the acting senseless and unbelievable (most characters are created just to be disposed off in gory ways), the special effects 10 years behind its time (neither the snakes or the plane look even close to real). In short, this movie is totally ridiculous. The thing is, the movie also knows that it's totally ridiculous, so it never pretends to be something it's not, but rather tries to maximize its cheapness for comedic effect. Snakes on a Plane is great in a 'It's so very bad it's so very good' kind of way (reminiscence of "The Core"). So when Samuel Jackson's character exclaims "I'm sick of these mother%#$@# snakes on this mother&@#*( plane!!!!", you don't ponder about who the heck wrote this crap, you laugh and yell "Now bring on the next mother*&(@$ snake on this mother*&(@$ plane!!!!". Great campy fun. If you're the type who can have a good time laughing at a bad movie, see this now. -Comment written by Dear-
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