Since I retired from work in January 2005, watching movies in the cinema has been one of my favourite time-killers. This blog contains brief information and some comments of the movies I have seen.
Sam Worthington's terrific role is hijacked by Bale's uninspired performance. The problem isn't that Bale is a bad actor, its that John Connor is not particularly interesting. If the movie has focused more on Sam's character, it would have been better. -Comment written by Dear
Starring Tom Hanks, Ewam McGregor, Stellan Skarsgard
This Davinci Code sequel is based less on its novel than its predecessor, and benefits from it. The mystery solving sequences are way too fast and abrupt to ever mean anything, but the plot's main idea, "Science vs. Religion", is strong enough to carry my interest. -Comment written by Dear
Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Leonard Nimoy
One of the most straight up enjoyable sci-fi flicks I've ever seen. The story might lack a certain depth characteristic to Star Trek films, but damn is it fun to watch. The film oozes energy and momentum, relentless in its pacing. Here's hoping for more successful sequels to this franchise reboot. -Comment written by Dear