- Directed by Steven Spielberg
- Starring Harrison Ford, Ray Winstone, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Shia Labeouf
- This film brought back memory of the old times, over 25 years ago, when we had so much fun watching Steven Spielberg's series of the Indiana Jones movies. Prior to seeing this film, I wondered whether Harrison Ford could be able to play the daring action hero Indiana Jones as he is now 64. It turns out that he is still good and fits for this role.

- Directed by Jon Favreau
- Starring Robert Downey Junior, Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard
- Robert Downey Junior IS Iron Man. His unusual protagonist and charms help turn an already very competent superhero movie into a hugely entertaining one. I expect, no, I want more sequels of this. Good visual designs all around from the FX teams as well. - Comment written by Dear