- Directed by Martin Campbell
- Starring Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Caterina Murino, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright
- This new Bond isn't neccessarily superior to the previous films, but it is a new brand of Bond altogether. While the old Bonds are cool gentlemen, Craig's Bond is something more like a deadly assassin. He can also get hurt, both physically and emotionally, unlike the previous Bonds. So while the other Bond movies are like superhero movies, Casino Royale is more grounded in reality. This gives more weight to his mission and tribulations. This is the first Bond movie where I can sympathize with Bond, and as a result, I was able to take the movie much more seriously than other Bond movies. Some may argue against this new Bond vision, but I welcome the change. -Comment written by Dear-

- Directed by Wisit Satsanatieng
- Starring Siriphan Watanajinda, Supornthip Chuangrangsri, Tasawan Seniwongse
- This is a Thai-made movies about a pregnant country girl searching for her missing husband in Bangkok some 70 years ago. Everything was great at the beginning. You will feel like watching a classic horror film. However, there were soo many ghosts, shocks and twists at the end, that the feeling of horror disappeared. The story is quite familiar and you can guess the ending without any diificulty.

- Directed by Christopher Nolan
- Starring Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine
- By focusing on character study, director Nolan made the many twists and surprises in this film to be not like mere movie tricks, but rather as something that is the natural consequence or the extension of the characters' actions. The audience are not only wowed by the surprises, but also stunned by the dramatic implication that those twists will have for the characters involved. Fitting for a movie about magicians, the twists define the characters. That is the real magic of this movie. Another great film from Christopher Nolan.-Comment written by Dear-