- Directed by Jira Maligul
- Starring Pichaya Witchajittaphan, Anthony Howard Gould
- Based on the book "Muang Rae" by Archin Panchaphan, Thailand's famous writer and Awarded 1991 National Artist, this is his real life story when he decided to go to work at Krasom Tin Dredging, a tin mine in Pang-Nga province, after being retired from the best engineering school in Bangkok in 1949. It is the story of life, love, loneliness, sadness, empathy, integrity, honour, and friendship with his boss and colleagues, which he finds it more valuable and worthwhile, than a diploma from any university. Well-directed by Jira Maligul, although I think his previous movie "Mekhong Full Moon Party" is more interesting.

- Directed by Jean-Francois Richet
- Starring Ethan Hawke, Laurence Fishburne
- A suspenseful action movie about cops and criminals uniting and fighting to survive the night at the precinct house in Detroit. Entertaining, thrilling and fun to watch.

- Directed by Christopher Nolan
- Starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Ken Watanabe
- Different from the former Batman sequels, this film is dramatic, real, dark, and full of emotions. Chistian Bale is very good at being Bruce Wayne. This is the best of Batman movies.

- Directed by Robert Luketic
- Stariing Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda
- A plain comedy movie about a girl who would like to marry a man of her dreams, only to discover that his mother is the woman of her nightmares. Jane Fonda makes her comeback, after her long absence from the big screen, while Jennifer Lopez cannot match her. This is a fun movie if you don't take it seriously.

- Directed by Doug Liman
- Starring Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie
- Violent, action-packed comedy film about husband and wife who are hired to assassinate each other. Feel like seeing Rambo + Commando + Cobra + James Bond + ..... This film only attempts to sell Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. If you like this kind of movie, watch "True Lies" (1994 film directed by James Cameron). It is much more fun.